
The microVM™ device is a breakthrough in both form-factor and functionality for real-time analysis of access network and customer home network performance. This unobtrusive device provides deep packet inspection and end-to-end visibility in broadcast quality media delivery over any IP based infrastructure. Combined with the Video Monitor Controller (VMC) server software, operators can now monitor 24/7 from head end to customer home.

Feature Highlights



microVM measures the following metrics (when available) every second and sends them to VMC for analysis.

Home network monitoring

Video Monitor Controller (VMC)

All data is sent to VMC where data is aggregated and devices can be centrally controlled and measurements analyzed. A single VMC supports thousands of devices. VMC can present collected data from different perspectives. This makes it easy to find if problems are isolated to a device, stream, server or geographical area. VMC is available as a cloud service or you can run your own server.

Click here to see a live demo of VMC.

Below is a selection of windows from VMC showing information from a device.

Media Window

This Media Window shows packet loss (under the baseline) and high jitter. Each monitored stream can be inspected down to one second intervals.


Streams show monitored streams. This microVM is zapping through the channels, three at a time.


Views tab shows a list of all streams the device has monitored.


Traffic view will show a breakdown of all packets going through the device. Each packet is categorized into 28 different types. Extensive statistics is provided for each type.

VMC-as-a-Service (VMCaaS)

VMC is available as a cloud service. It is required that the microVMs are located so that they are able to send packets to the internet.

Benefits with VMCaaS



Item Discount Price
Single microVM € 700
5-pack microVM 10% € 3150
10-pack microVM 20% € 5600
Shipping to Europe € 15
Shipping outside Europe € 30

New customers receive two months free VMCaaS.

Contact sales@cuttingedge.no.